News & Media – Mortgage Broker Latest News
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04Unlocking the fixed rate mystery
As Aussies we have historically chosen the ups and downs of a variable rate more often for our home loan. But the unprec... -
04Looking for a home loan? Choose from one of these four options
Over 40% of mortgages in Australia are sold by mortgage brokers, not by their manufacturers – an issue that has th... -
04Loan News & Media – Find Out The Latest In The Lending Industry
State government attempts to redirect development from urban fringes to established urban areas have failed. New deregul... -
04To refinance or to stay put?
There are costs associated with refinancing. Government Fees for Registration and Discharge of Mortgage and a Title Sear... -
04And the winner is… the Family Limited Guarantee
Saving a 20% deposit or paying expensive Loan Mortgage Insurance (LMI) are the only choices for people trying to get int... -
04What the banks don’t tell you, Jason will
Third generation Concord West resident and St. Pat’s old boy, Jason Khoury knows a thing or three about mortgages, sup... -
01Info Night on June 7th 2012 – It’s not too late
iChoice is hosting a free information session on the 7th June covering your three most important assets: your Partner, ... -
01Home Loans (General Introduction)
In this video the iChoice principal, Jason Khoury, talks about the steps we make in determining an appropriate home loan... -
01Family Pledge & Family Guarantee Home Loan
In this short 3-minute video, iChoice Principle Jason Khoury talks about the Family Pledge (or Family Guarantee) product...